Writing just after winter solstice, I’m aware of the winter light slowly growing – and I call to the light on every level. There’s an image of a crust breaking open as the life inside grows and grows. May it be so with each of us, and with all of us.
I begin by offering two gifts.
First is a new talk introducing the practice of zazen, also known as sitting meditation. This talk begins with my understanding of what zazen is, in connection with my understanding of the Buddhist teaching of the way we belong to the earth. The first six or seven minutes are about this, and then the talk moves into practical matters of posture, breath, and mental awareness.
Second, I’m asking what Buddha offers to us in a difficult time. This talk begins with some current thoughts, includes readings from the Sutta Nipata, and concludes with an amazing discussion with the people online. They have given permission to include them in this post. (The talk begins a few minutes in, lasts about half an hour, and is followed by discussion.)
Our Wednesday evening online study group will be focusing on the sixteen Zen precepts during the next few months. If you would like to join us, please do. More information is at the link, and you will want to email me to make sure you have all details. You can also make an appointment to talk, and I can share useful recordings from the past.
I will be offering the precepts to a few people after our basic study is complete. If you have interest in this, you can talk with me about it. (If you don’t know what this phrase means, wait until you’re more familiar with Zen.)
Here is a link to the 2025 calendar. It offers a general sense of what we do here, plus some specific dates. Things always evolve.
This is a personal note. A year ago I threw all my energy into a fundraising campaign, and you responded beyond my wildest dreams. For the first time I received a stipend from MWA, and I began to dream of doing this work full time. Then shoulder surgery took more out of me than I could have imagined. I cancelled events to focus on recovery, and wondered what I was doing. I kept the basics going. And I finished editing the manuscript of The Shape of Reality Is Open: Walking Together Through the Polycrisis. It’s now at several publishers, and early responses have been encouraging. Meanwhile, I’ve been living what you might call a “normal” life. I’m starting to recover from the medical exhaustion, getting in touch with my meditation practice, exercising, and relaxing a bit.
I’ve come to look at these last few months as consulting an oracle. I wrote a thoughtful fundraising letter and sent it to as many people as I could, but didn’t start a GoFundMe or vigorously pursue possible donors as I did last year. It felt like putting a question out to the universe, and seeing what answer came back. The answer was “Don’t quit your day job.” I’ve accepted new therapy clients, and let go of my wish to retire, to go on long retreats, and so forth.
Sending the book to publishers is like that too: I make my offering, of six years’ work and struggle, and wait for the response. Will it be welcome? Of course, the answer to that will come in stages: first, finding a publisher, second, book sales, third, whether it becomes a vehicle for my teaching.
Last, I’m allowing my health (kidney issues) to rely on my own knowledge rather than doctors, even alternative ones. I can change course if needed, based on lab tests; intuition says I’ll be fine.
So here we are, going into a new year with a great many unknowns, some of them frightening. That’s why I gave the talk above, about the Buddha and difficult times. I’m watching too much news but mostly calm. This is a time for steady practice – including meditation, exercise, good social relationships, and remembering that we are in the care of the universe at all times.
Love and blessings,
Dear Friends,
I write to you after a year of growth and transformation supported by your love and care for Mountains and Waters Alliance.
Also, let me mention two events. In December we’ll outline the full calendar.
Last year, in addition to long-time supporters and volunteers, people responded to our fundraiser in an amazing way, creating a quiet revolution. Even though I named this work, dreamed it and poured my heart into it, you let me know that it was bigger than I imagined. I’ve been digging the roots in deeply, and need to follow through.
Here’s a brief summary of what we did this year.
Teaching and Discussion: weekly online Zen class with 4-6 people, plus individual meetings with students. “The Gift of Fearlessness” group continues to meet twice a month online, now five of us, supporting each other in dealing with events of the world. Newcomers are welcome.
“Earth Apprenticeship” – weekend retreats on becoming an apprentice to the earth – listening, learning, acting – was born in fall 2023. A grant proposal for a two-week program almost got funded. ZCNS plans to visit for an Earth Apprentice Retreat in June 2025.
Retreats: We had four retreats here at the farm, plus some volunteer days and community events.
Guest teaching: Leading Zen retreats in Duluth, MN, and in Atlanta, GA, dharma talks at various Zen communities, and co-teaching an 8-week class at Zen Center North Shore (Massachusetts).
Study and retreat time is essential for doing this work. In 2024, I attended two online ten-day study intensives with my teacher, and a 4-day retreat at Hokyoji (southern Minnesota) plus some solo retreats here.
Networking and building community: This includes participating with other groups, speaking at conferences, informal events at the farm such as the winter solstice bonfire, and lots of phone and email conversations, hosting visitors, and the like. The direction includes strong organizational relationships plus a small residential community and a strong group of people for whom this is a spiritual home.
Administration: Thanks to generous donations in 2023-24, we were able to pay for some website upgrades and administrative help.
For the last six years, I have been writing the essence of Mountains and Waters Alliance. Originally, I imagined a book about asking for help from beyond-human beings, to address climate change in a different way. As I was writing, the covid epidemic began, and then extensive tumult culturally and politically. Studying and writing, I became engrossed in learning who humans are and how we can play our part in the universe – and am profoundly encouraged by what I’ve learned. The book is now out for consideration by likely publishers. If you’d like to read a short excerpt plus some endorsements, look at: https://mountainsandwatersalliance.org/the-shape-of-reality-is-open/.
Building community here at home. After ten years here, the time is ripe. People know us. Our small farm hosts MWA activities. I could fruitfully spend a third of my time on active local outreach including community education, schools and colleges, churches and civic groups, and news resources, plus welcoming volunteers, offering more workshops and retreats, and personal connections. We’re also ready to add two or three more residents to the current two.
Reach out nationally and internationally, using the book launch as a vehicle for education and inspiration on the ideals that MWA was founded on. We hope for publication next fall/winter including a book tour. (Note: If your group would like a presentation as part of the book launch, please email me.)
Administration and maintenance: It’s time for both a website overhaul and a truly functional communication system so we can take better care of our people. We have found the (free) software and know what to do; we just need time for a one-time push consolidating everything, with easier upkeep later.
In order to continue the momentum we have achieved this year, we need to execute on the plan above full-time. Applying a frugal approach, including money on hand plus anticipated income for a $35,000 budget, this year’s fundraising goal is $20,000.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation through this link, or mailing a check to Mountains and Waters Alliance, 16922 Cabot Avenue, Faribault, MN 55021, or learn how to get us free support through online shopping that you were already doing. If your employer has a charity program, you might ask them to match your donation.
If you gave either money or time in 2024, thank you so much.
I’m happy to send additional information, including a tentative 2025 calendar, more numbers, a more detailed report on 2024, and personal thoughts, if you would like. Email me here.
With love and commitment,
Shodo Spring
For Mountains and Waters Alliance
will be November 15, 16, and/or 17. If interested in coming for any part of this, email Shodo for more information and to make arrangements. We have several small projects, outdoors or indoors, depending on weather. Average temperatures would be in the low 40’s, which suggests short outdoor work alternating with indoor work or rest. Outdoor possibilities include adding a railing to the stairs, creating a better landing for those stairs, other small repairs, and firewood in its many aspects.
silent long days of sitting meditation, minimal shared work, staying onsite encouraged. We’ll gather Saturday evening Nov 30, and close Sunday morning December 8, Buddha’s Enlightenment Day. Please register soon. Ask questions now, ask about partial participation and whatever you need to know.
three parts. Register by emailing Shodo. Mention plans, number of children and adults, and rides offered/needed.
Each month has a different kind of farm work, including tapping sugar maples, planting pines, garden prep, garden planting, foraging, and so forth through the season. Sesshins and retreats will be announced, beginning in early February in Atlanta.
2025 calendar will appear in November. Also, that will be an invitation to membership and fundraising appeal, with plenty of information.
In fall 2025, I expect to be doing a book tour. If you think your group might like me to offer a talk, a reading, or a workshop, in person or online, now would be a great time to talk with me about how to make that happen. Of course, you’ll wonder what the book is about. Working title is The Shape of Reality Is Open: Walking Together Through the Polycrisis. I can send information.
We currently have room for two more residents. If you’re attracted to the thought of living collectively, shared work, spiritual community, good conversation, activism in its various forms – and stars, trees, grasses, creeks and rivers – we’re interested in talking with you. It’s a gradual process. We also accept short-term and long-term guests as interns or while considering residency.
We’ve hired someone part-time, and it’s looking good. If you know someone who has professional-level experience with a marketing program called Hubspot, who would be interested in a few hours per week, send them to me.
This is a brief update plus announcement of a part-time job opportunity with Mountains and Waters Alliance.
The Zen study group is returning to Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8 Central Time. You are welcome to join or to visit. We are just finishing “Instructions for the Cook.” In late September or early October, we’ll start a new study topic. We’re planning to work with a recording; I won’t post it until we actually have it. We meet the first, second, and third Wednesdays each month, except for holidays and such. There’s an email list for notices, sharing of class recordings, and so forth. When there is a fifth Wednesday, we decide by group consensus.
There is no wild rice trip as previously hoped.
October 19-20 Shodo leads a retreat in Atlanta.
Rohatsu sesshin will be December 1-8, here at the farm.
Work days or work weekends are not yet scheduled, but things happen along the way. Email Shodo to be in touch.
Part time, flexible. Primary purpose is office support, so I can focus on other tasks. Up to $800 per month, depending on how things evolve.
Well-organized, thinks clearly, creative, good at coordinating.
Comfortable with social media and able to do minor website updates.
Communicates well, verbally and in writing. Is willing to use email.
If interested, send an email telling me about yourself, including expected salary range, time availability, goals for working with us, and a resume or equivalent.
Thank you all.
With love,
Shodo Spring
Life continues to be uncertain. It seems more so than usual these days – with climate change, U.S. politics and fears, the actuality of genocide, and civil liberties issues. Relatively safe, I don’t know what to do. Some people have chosen a course and are pursuing it wholeheartedly, and I thank them. Meanwhile, Zen Master Dizang’s “Not knowing is most intimate” is here for me. My advisory group recommends avoiding distractions, sitting more zazen – a lot more – and waiting for clarity, intimate with uncertainty, allowing Life to create me.
I can’t say much more to you. If your direction is clear, please follow it with all your heart. If you are like me, you’re welcome to join me in allowing intimacy, waiting for clarity. If you’d like to connect in that space, feel free to send me your name. I’ll chant for you, as I do for myself: may we find wisdom, peace, and commitment. May we know our next step, and be willing to take it.
You’re also invited to morning sitting, 6 am Central Time: no zoom, just sitting together wherever we are. Any morning; I’m usually there, and others may be too. We might even call or email each other, for support and encouragement. Or we might take a walk in the woods, or put our hands in the dirt, and listen inwardly and physically, allowing all beings to create and teach us. Here, now, the lilacs are blooming and the iris promise; nettles are offering food and morels are already done. Green and blue, bird song and sun and shade, everywhere says summer.
June and July: Classes Monday evening again, on Dogen’s writing about the work of the Zen cook. Registration please, donations encouraged but not required.
Thursday evening classes, co-teaching at Zen Center North Shore, Beverley, Massachusetts, Mountains and Waters Sutra. June 6-August 1. Note that the times for zazen and talk are in Eastern Time. In Central Time, zazen begins at 5:30 pm and the talk starts at 6:15 pm. You are strongly encouraged to register and make a donation to support ZCNS, which will give me an honorarium.
Zen classes here will return to Wednesdays in September; we’re not quite sure about August.
Saturday, June 15: online talk with No Barriers Zen. Two half-hour zazen periods starting at 9 Central Time, followed by talk and discussion. There will be an ASL interpreter; this group is committed to inclusivity. Having spent a year working within the Deaf community, I’m delighted to spend the morning with them.
July 19-21: Earth Apprentice Retreat. (fee, registration required)
August 16-18: Weekend sesshin. More information later.
Nov 30-December 8: Rohatsu sesshin, sitting in silence, honoring Buddha’s enlightenment. More information later.
June 19-23, “Practicing the Way in this very moment” Zen retreat at Hokyoji (SE Minnesota) https://hokyoji.org/event/practicing-the-way-in-this-very-moment-2/ registration required
September, wild rice gathering in northern Minnesota with Honor the Earth. More information later.
November 1-10, online class with Shohaku Okumura, ten days, 2 hours each day.
With love,
For Mountains and Waters Alliance
Dear friends,
Forgive me for not writing more deeply. I’ve been distracted by the Middle East and the response in this country. Finally I have a way to participate: there is an encampment at a local college. I dropped in yesterday, and am invited to offer some support in the form of meditation instruction. This give joy: it’s the best I have to offer, and they want it.
Other reasons for being slow: My recovery from surgery is going well but far from complete.
Zen talk, “A Blazing Light: notes on Bendowa”, Saturday May 11, online at Heartland Zen Community. Bendowa is translated “wholehearted way” or “negotiating the way” or “on the endeavor of the way” – many expressions. It may be my favorite Zen writing.
Monday evening classes on Bendowa – through the end of May.
Zen classes return to Wednesday evenings in June.
May 18, 1-8:30 pm, Biochar workshop. Making biochar from start to finish in our home kiln.
May 17-19, July 19-21: Earth Apprentice Retreat. (fee, registration required)
We’re starting spring cleanup and garden projects. Volunteers are welcome. Specifically, Saturday afternoon volunteering, in the spirit of Earth apprenticeship, will start when weather and my body allow. Contact me to get on the email list for when we get started.
June 19-23, “Practicing the Way in this very moment” Zen retreat t Hokyoji (SE Minnesota) https://hokyoji.org/event/practicing-the-way-in-this-very-moment-2/ registration required
As weather is crazy, politics are frightening, and violence overseas is unthinkable, please do a few things:
Pray, or chant, or ask for help from the many living beings who make our world. We are not alone here. Even in this scary election year. Volunteer for candidates, issues, and situations that make sense to you.
I mentioned donations last month; you can look there.
With love,
For Mountains and Waters Alliance
Dear Folks,
We have rescheduled the online Zen study group to Mondays. If this allows you to come, we’d love to have you.
The next class will start April 15 and continue through May 20. Register here, ask questions here.
Earth Apprentice Retreats are currently scheduled for April 20-21, May 17-19, and July 19-21. The April one is in doubt due to Shodo’s medical situation, but if this is when you can come, ask and we can see. May and July are still planned, as are sesshins in August, October, and December.
Thank you.
Dear all,
Here are a few notices as we head into spring. I’m still in recovery from shoulder surgery, keeping typing to a bare minimum. This takes us through June and begins July.
Sunday morning dharma talks online, March 24. April 7.
Wednesday evening classes, starting April 3 and May 1: Bendowa, or “The Wholehearted Way.” Please register.
April 6, daylong retreat at Midtown Atlanta Zen, no online. For more information email here. Topic: Zen practice in challenging times: We’ll talk about fear, hope, despair, and how to practice when the world seems to be falling apart.
April 20-21, May 17-19, July 19-21: Earth Apprentice Retreat. (donation requested, registration required)
We’re starting spring cleanup and garden projects. Volunteers are welcome. Specifically, Saturday afternoon volunteering, in the spirit of Earth apprenticeship, will start when weather and my body allow. Contact me to get on the email list for when we get started.
March 24 (11 Central Time, after my dharma talk): free showing of the short film, The Opening, and discussion, likely with the filmmaker.
March 26, 10:30 Central Time, presentation on the Congo to a climate discussion group, by David Albert. I know him, it will be good, and email me for the link, which I don’t have yet.
May 2-11, (2 hours every morning), Virtual dharma study intensive (9-11 Central Time, 10 days) online with Shohaku Okumura. Registration required.
June 19-23, “Practicing the Way in this very moment” Zen retreat at Hokyoji (SE Minnesota) – registration required
Please look at the annual schedule for further events.
Pray, or chant, or ask for help from the many living beings who make our world. We are not alone here. Even in this scary election year. Volunteer for candidates, issues, and situations that make sense to you.
If you have donations to give, please do.
I’ll mention https://bodhicitta-vihara.com/, which is literally changing the lives of girls and women in India, helping them from poverty and half-slavery to education and a workable life. Of course, sending money to https://www.unrwa.org/, the most reliable provider of food relief in this desperate situation. In the U.S., Censored News is an independent and honest news source for Red Nations news, surviving on donations for over 20 years.
I will stop here, skipping fine organizations in many tribal nations, states, and countries, because I don’t want to go on forever.
To support Mountains and Waters Alliance, I encourage you to sign up with iGive.com, but we also accept money. Everything is here: https://mountainsandwatersalliance.org/donate-support/.
Thanks for following. May your life be joyous and your heart peaceful.
With love,
For Mountains and Waters Alliance
Dear Friends,
This is just a brief summary of coming events, with registration links. The schedule has been reduced slightly while Shodo is recovering from minor shoulder surgery. We expect a full retreat schedule summer and fall.
Focus is on Dogen’s Genjo Koan, “The matter at hand,” a succinct statement of the core teaching of Dogen’s Zen. Registration and more information here. Please register early, with or without payment. If you have questions, contact me.
The first three Wednesdays of each month are study group. We’re currently reading some key writings by Dogen. April and May will both focus on Bendowa, “the wholehearted way.”
3343 East Bde Maka Ska Parkway, Minneapolis. Sitting 9:10, Dharma talk 10 am
Also available on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87103057402?pwd=bnZQYlNJZWk1eHNmZjFvekNBUHlRQT09
If you would like to come and sit quietly together for part of the weekend, please contact me. I’ll be happy to have your company. At the farm, Faribault, MN.
Sunday morning, info here. No registration required.
This is a one-day retreat including a dharma talk, formal zen ceremonies, optional individual meetings, sitting and walking meditation. To register contact Daiki Barlow at https://www.midtownatlantazen.org/
9-11:30 am Eastern Time includes sitting, chanting, and talk. In person at 3315 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Chamblee, GA, or online – click for the link.
Dear Friends,
I’ve had to modify my schedule because of some medical issues requiring minor surgery. Here’s a reminder of offerings for the next couple of months.
In 2024 we’re doing a series of 3-week classes addressing core teachings. The next one begins this Wednesday, February 7, and focuses on the practice and meaning of zazen, or sitting meditation. It’s still possible to register and receive a copy of the text before we begin. Information here.
The March online class begins March 6, and focuses on core Zen teaching through the well-known Genjo Koan – “the matter at hand.”
April class begins April 3, on “Bendowa” or “The wholehearted way.”
The rest of the 2024 schedule is found here.
Friday, February 9: It’s still possible to attend the in-person talk in Duluth, Minnesota. Information here.
Sunday, March 10, 10 am: I’m giving a dharma talk at Minnesota Zen Center, both in person and online. Information and link here. Keep clicking until you find “Sunday talk” on March 10.
Sunday March 24 is an online dharma talk at Hokyoji (also in Minnesota, and part of my Zen history). Information and link here.
Sesshin – a silent weekend retreat – will be March 15-17, here at the farm in southern Minnesota. Registration is essential. (Also in August)
Earth Apprentice retreats – combining spiritual relation with land and in meditation – April 19-21, May 17-19, and also July. More information later, feel free to ask.
Other land-based activities (such as work days) will be clarified as my physical recovery progresses.
Then I offer this call for a ceasefire in Gaza, Israel, and the Middle East. It became impossible to say nothing, so here it is.
We call for
· immediate and lasting ceasefire in the Middle East.
· Immediate release of all hostages held by Hamas or in Israeli prisons, the term hostage including anyone held without charge or with only political charges;
· A negotiated settlement providing peace, security, human rights, and dignity for all inhabitants of the region known variously as Israel or Palestine, and moving to establish the same on a long-term basis;
· A Truth and Reconcilition Commission comparable to that of South Africa after apartheid, seeking restorative justice and building a path forward, while not excluding consequences for harmful actions;
· Reparations to individuals, families, and organizations that have lost people, health, home, livelihood in this region. Reparations for events occurring elsewhere (such as the Nazi holocaust) shall be sought from those who caused them.
And a note: the history is so long and the injustices so many that rather than trying to address them, I choose simply to point toward resolution.
Dear Friends,
Ending the fundraiser, grateful for support, I wondered what to say. I chose poetry.
It’s winter in 2024, here in North America. Cold and snowstorms are driving people indoors. Around the world storms, cyclones, typhoons, and all the rest are doing what they do in this time of climate change. Here at home, the storms skipped us but a few hours away people are snowed in, sometimes without power or heat. Bombs continue to fall in Gaza, in Ukraine, and in other places we don’t hear about so much. This is our life.
It brings to mind a simple poem by Dogen, founder of Soto Zen, my school of Buddhism.
All my life false and real, right and wrong tangled.
Playing with the moon, ridiculing wind, listening to birds.
Many years wasted seeing the mountain covered with snow.
This winter I suddenly realize snow makes a mountain.
For myself I will say,
All my life looking for the truth, trying to do good,
seeking to uncover the real world from under civilization’s gloss.
But the world is right here among us.
Nothing is hidden.
The paradox of trying and hoping to stop climate change, seeking causes and power to change them, while the world does what it does. Even if it shakes us off like fleas, cooks us or drowns or freezes us, still we are just here, embraced by it all. The only thing we can count on is that things will be as they will be. And our actions together with that framework create our lives, and create the whole. We do not turn away from our own pain, that of those close to us, and the enormous suffering of the world, including humans dying and ecosystems failing. Do not look away. Take it into your heart, and recognize it as your own life. Love it dearly, madly, beyond reason or hope. Do not judge right or wrong, only love.
It’s too long since I’ve written poetry, but as I say good-bye to this phase of our connection, it seems like the right thing to offer. The mountain is not covered with snow: the covering makes the mountain. Same for our lives in every detail.
I had not seen that for myself before.
The fundraiser succeeded beyond my dreams. Asking for $15,000, receiving $21,580 – I am still amazed. Also amazed at the power of connections. I made myself reach out to everyone who has ever helped me (as far as I could remember) to send my thanks to them, not to ask for more. There were some lovely reconnections, and more important was the growing awareness of how well and thoroughly supported I have been, for so long. That deep knowledge is worth more than any dollars.
Borne on that energy, I planned offerings – teachings and retreats and talks – for the coming year. The list always changes, so here it is now. Please notice there are several online talks in the next few weeks, plus an in-person talk and retreat in Duluth MN, an “intro to Zen” day-long retreat in February, and a new Wednesday night class beginning February 7.
As for the things on the fundraiser list, here’s a photo of the new meditation cushions.
Full disclosure on the winter photo: That was last January. Our snowstorm did not materialize yet.
With love,
Shodo Spring for Mountains and Waters Alliance
This is just a quick note about the upcoming study group, beginning January 3, Wednesday evening. If you would like to come, please do register so I can send the text. Do not be deterred by the suggested donation. Here’s where to register.
Topic is Eihei Koso Hotsugammon, Dogen’s vow, as encouragement in hard times.
Dear Folks,
You never know when evening sun will light up the sky. It happened tonight, and I offer it to you.
Here’s a calendar for next year’s events. It’s an outline, still subject to change, but pretty close. There’s a link for the January 3 class, because I hope people will sign up for it right now.
For the first time we’re suggesting fees. Donations were always welcome, yet mostly I earned my living as a psychotherapist, subsidizing the MWA work while leaving little time for preparation, study, and retreat. There are two things:
For each event, then, there will be a scale of fees: the highest will cover all costs plus support for those who need scholarships. The second will cover costs, including teacher time, prep time, and travel, space use including rental, zoom, utilities, and food. The third is your own choice of fee, down to zero. Each event posting will have the suggested fee structure.
Let’s call it sadness in Gaza and Israel; and death. Call it controversy, anger and cold hate here in America. It feels to me like the world is breaking apart, and it’s happening most violently in the place many of us call the Holy Land.
If you support a ceasefire, please contact your elected officials about it. If you want to help suffering people in more direct ways, donate to an organization you trust. Perhaps Doctors Without Borders, but there are many good organizations bringing direct help now.
I’ve been chanting for everyone there: the innocent victims, and also for healing the hearts of all those committing evil.
These words are from the Metta Sutta: I offer them for your contemplation or prayer:
May you be happy, and at peace. And may you have the peace that comes with doing good.
With love,
for Mountains and Waters Alliance
Surrounded by the generosity of donors, I find myself wanting to offer gifts., which mostly means teaching, or inspiration. Here I offer two poems and a class announcement. First, I refer you to the beautiful words of my teacher Shohaku Okumura, found on the front page of the website.
And then a sweet thought from modern poet Antonio Machado:
Our first offering this year is an online Zen class studying the “Eihei Koso Hotsuganmon.” This remarkable document sets out the view of Dogen Zenji, founder of Soto Zen, which differed sharply from his contemporaries. “Buddhas and ancestors of old were as we. We in the future shall be Buddhas and ancestors.” We’ll explore the implications of this radical view for our lives and spiritual practice.
The class begins Wednesday, January 3, for 3 weeks. Each month will be a new class, addressing a different writing of Dogen. Here’s a link to the January class, asking you please to register in advance. By donation, as always. https://mountainsandwatersalliance.org/event/january-zen-class-dogens-vow/
You probably know that we’re running a fundraiser, https://www.gofundme.com/f/qfwwbz-mountains-and-waters-alliance. At this point we have enough for more study and retreats, our own Zoom, and a start on freeing up my time for all we might do – like preparation and teaching. The dream is that I could spend most of my time in practice and teaching, rather than focusing on livelihood. If you would like to support MWA, please either donate what you can afford, or share this with people you know who might be interested. And while we’re looking for money, in the background is always the intention to gather more practitioners and members.
Dear Friends,
That’s in a long tradition in which some people do a needed thing and others support them.
In religions with monastic traditions, monastics engage in deep spiritual practice, follow a strict lifestyle supporting that practice, and offer teachings freely to lay people. Lay people have fewer ethical rules, live their lives as householders, and offer material support to nuns and monks, who share spiritual teachings with them.
In modern America and many other places that reject hierarchy, there are few instances of such full-time support. Yet congregations support ministers, Buddhist sanghas support teachers, and donors support many kinds of peaceful activism.
Nothing I do now is as dramatic as that walk was, and even that was less dramatic that the resistance to fossil fuel pipelines (and mining and other environmental causes) in which people use their bodies to block harm. Yet my whole life is given in that way. I loved living on the road, yet when I returned it was clear that there was something else to do, and that something is Mountains and Waters Alliance.
I planted myself in the earth, here in southern Minnesota, in 2014, and since then the direction has gradually revealed itself. A few years later I went back to work, to support the farm and its function as a learning/teaching center and residence. I spent most of the pandemic writing the book – will announce when I have a publisher – and am now ready to move into action. Something is clearly ready to be born. I long to give it my full attention.
If you would like me to do that – please use the GoFundMe to support me in doing so. There are more details there. https://gofund.me/cc0ded9b
If you’d like to do it with me, by all means get in touch.
With love,
Shodo Spring, for Mountains and Waters Alliance