Financial support for Mountains and Waters
Single or Recurring Financial Donations
Your financial contribution can help this work flourish.
You can use this button to make a one-time or recurring donation, from anywhere in the world. You can add a note. We’d like your address for thank-you notes and such, but it’s not mandatory. And – the fees aren’t much, but they’re lowest with anything except American Express. (if it doesn’t matter to you)
(Note whether you’d like a tax deduction.)
Mail us a Check
If you’d like to mail us a check, you can make one out to the order of “Mountains and Waters Alliance” and send it to:
Mountains and Waters Alliance, 16922 Cabot Ave, Faribault, MN 55021.
Tax deductions: We’ll automatically process donations $250 and over for a tax deduction; tell us if you want anything different. (With tax deduction, 5% goes to our fiscal sponsor, Fertile Ground Institute, an organization we’re happy to support.)
Support us for Free!
Sign up for iGive with Mountains and Waters Alliance as your cause.
They have about 1600 online stores, including many airlines, that donate various percentages, averaging 1-3% of money spent. That’s more than you get on Amazon, and you are supporting a diverse and beautiful market in the time of consolidation.
When you put a “button” on your device, the donations happen automatically. And they do add up. When you first sign up and make one purchase, they send us $15.
(A world of online shopping. Who knew? We’re not on Amazon.)