Mountains and Waters Alliance exists to heal the deep cause of the climate emergency in the rift between the dominant human culture and the whole of life on earth. Together with all beings, we protect and restore the living earth.
We create and nourish communities, rooted in meditation and ceremony, that practice farming as activism and defend land, water, and life as healing work; we learn, teach, and invite others to join us.
Mountains & Waters BLOG
FebMountains And Waters Alliance February 4, 2025 – Metamorphosis.
This morning I remembered the butterfly story. Before becoming a butterfly, a being lives as a caterpillar for a few weeks, then as a pupa for weeks or months, during which period it completely dissolves. This is called metamorphosis. It comes out completely new, and it can fly. We could, very carefully, use this as […]
DecMWA – Return of the Light
Writing just after winter solstice, I’m aware of the winter light slowly growing – and I call to the light on every level. There’s an image of a crust breaking open as the life inside grows and grows. May it be so with each of us, and with all of us. Zen teaching and practice: […]
Important Notices!
There are many ways to get involved
Learn more about Mountains and Waters Alliance Membership – working to protect and restore the wholeness of life on earth. Its members include human people, rivers, rocks, trees, hills – sentient beings from all parts of the family of life. Check out ways you can Volunteer or.. Consider donating to Mountains and Waters