By: Shodo
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This is a brief update plus announcement of a part-time job opportunity with Mountains and Waters Alliance.
The Zen study group is returning to Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8 Central Time. You are welcome to join or to visit. We are just finishing “Instructions for the Cook.” In late September or early October, we’ll start a new study topic. We’re planning to work with a recording; I won’t post it until we actually have it. We meet the first, second, and third Wednesdays each month, except for holidays and such. There’s an email list for notices, sharing of class recordings, and so forth. When there is a fifth Wednesday, we decide by group consensus.
There is no wild rice trip as previously hoped.
October 19-20 Shodo leads a retreat in Atlanta.
Rohatsu sesshin will be December 1-8, here at the farm.
Work days or work weekends are not yet scheduled, but things happen along the way. Email Shodo to be in touch.
Part time, flexible. Primary purpose is office support, so I can focus on other tasks. Up to $800 per month, depending on how things evolve.
Well-organized, thinks clearly, creative, good at coordinating.
Comfortable with social media and able to do minor website updates.
Communicates well, verbally and in writing. Is willing to use email.
If interested, send an email telling me about yourself, including expected salary range, time availability, goals for working with us, and a resume or equivalent.
Thank you all.
With love,
Shodo Spring