Your volunteer help is so important!

Monthly work days continue, focusing on farm and land care work. Volunteers are also welcome at other times, whether at the farm or from where you are. Directions are at this page, along with some things that would be helpful to know. In addition, if you would like to come early or stay late for sitting meditation, contact Shodo. It’s always an option.

June 8, 9-5: Planting tomatoes, potatoes, rhubarb, strawberries, and more. Includes mulching, weeding, watering, soil care, etc. We may move some raspberry plants if there’s time.

Lunch: nettle soup, bread, simple salad.

July 20, 9-5: Probably tending the garden. Possibly repairing the orchard fence, harvesting in the woods, planting new sugar maples.

August 17, 9-5: same as July

September 14, 9-5

October 19, 9-5

November 16, 9-5 – Probably we’ll be indoors.

December: probably no workday.

  • Special skills: If you have skills in farming, gardening, land conservation, permaculture, construction, stonemasonry, woodworking, or preserving food, I will be particularly appreciative.  Cooking help is always welcome.
  • If you would like to bring a volunteer group, let me know. We can set something up that works with your group’s interests and abilities. We can do introductions to permaculture, to Zen, or many possibilities.

Other volunteering:

There’s quite a list of things people could do to help, most of them from any location. If any of these calls to you, get in touch with me for more information and a no-pressure conversation.

  • Social Media: Announcements about things happening here – this is hard for me. Sometimes that’s by blog post and email, sometimes facebook (event pages anyone?). Some events could get posters, newspaper listings, or other announcements.
  • Office help: Could be a small job or as large as you like. I can give more details.

Your creativity and skills are welcome here. Become a co-creator, turning the Mountains and Waters vision into reality. And receiving vast gratitude.

