2024 calendar
Links for registration will be added when I have them.
6-7 am zazen – without internet, just sitting together in the company of all beings
Saturday afternoons in good weather: work day in the spirit of Earth Apprenticeship. Email Shodo to join the notification list. This will begin in April or May.
3, 10, 17: Zen class on Eihei Koso Hotsuganmon, Dogen’s vow as inspiration for our lives.
6: dharma talk, Treeleaf Zendo, 10 am Central Time (online only) – link here
12-14: closed for personal retreat
21: dharma talk, Hokyoji (online only) – link and details here – 9:30 talk, zazen begins earlier
1: online dharma talk, EcoDharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis, at Zen Center North Shore, MA. Details and Zoom
7, 14, 21: online Zen class, Fukanzazengi (a zazen workshop)
9-10: evening talk and 1-day sesshin in Duluth, with Bluestone Zen Community. Information here. Friday talk does not require registration.
24: CANCELLED intro to Zen one-day retreat
25: CANCELLED optional continuation of intro retreat, with short work practice
7, 14, 21: online Zen class, Genjo Koan (“the matter at hand”) – the whole teaching, in short
10: dharma talk at Minnesota Zen Center, in person and online. Information and link here. Keep clicking until you find “Sunday talk” on March 10.
in process, 12-? tapping maple trees
15-17: sesshin (“to settle the mind”) – CANCELLED
24: dharma talk, Hokyoji
March 29-April 7: Visit to Atlanta, GA
6: daylong retreat at Midtown Atlanta Zen
7: dharma talk at Red Clay Sangha, in Atlanta
3, 10, 17: online Zen class, Bendowa I (wholehearted way) – how to live completely
20-21: Earth Apprentice retreat (formerly Land Care)
27: Earth Day – community event in Northfield, MN
2-11: Shodo attends Genzo-e (daily online classes with Okumura Roshi. Register at Sanshinji.org.)
1, 8, 15: online Zen class, Bendowa II (more of the same)
May 17-19: Earth Apprentice retreat
1, 13, 27 – online Zen class at Zen Center North Shore: Mountains and Waters Sutra. Thursday evenings 5:30-7:30 Central Time. Continues through August 1. Co-taught with Joan Amaral and Catherine Gammon.
5, 12, 19: online Zen class, Tenzo Kyokun (instructions for the cook), in daily life
June 19-23: closed. Shodo attends retreat at Hokyoji. Registration information will be posted here when available.
3, 10, 17: online Zen class (Precepts)
11, 18, 25 – online Zen class at Zen Center North Shore: Mountains and Waters Sutra. Thursday evenings 5:30-7:30 Central Time. Continues through August 1. Co-taught with Joan Amaral and Catherine Gammon. (July 18 and 25 Catherine Gammon lead teacher)
July 19-21: Earth Apprentice retreat
1: 1, 13, 27 – closing session of online Zen class at Zen Center North Shore: Mountains and Waters Sutra. Thursday evenings 5:30-7:30 Central Time.
7, 14, 21: online Zen class (Precepts)
August 16-18: sesshin (“to settle the mind”) – long quiet time for calming down in stillness
4, 11, 18: online Zen class (Zen customs and meaning of rituals)
14-15: probable wild ricing with Honor the Earth, northern Minnesota
21: International Day of Peace – community event in Northfield MN
23-26: SZBA – Shodo will attend and present at the Soto Zen Buddhist Association conference.
2, 9, 16: online Zen class (TBD)
October 18-20: sesshin (“to settle the mind”) – long quiet time for calming down in stillness
6, 13, 20: online Zen class (TBD)
(dates TBD) Shodo will attend online Genzo-e, as in May
1-8: Rohatsu sesshin, traditional 7 days of silent meditation commemorating Buddha’s enlightenment.
To be arranged: Dharma talks, retreats, and other events are scheduled from time to time by request. Private interviews can be arranged.