MWA Newsletter, - Dec 31, 2023
Happy New Year
Dear sweet friends,
It’s the turning of the year. This past year has contained everything.
- Horrific attacks in Israel/Palestine/Gaza, and disagreements turned into hate. Chaos and uncertainty in the United States about our future government. Climate disasters and more covid.
- But also a long string of court wins for environment, climate, and humanity. More and more of us are finding our place as younger siblings in the family of life. More are taking care of the plants and beings where we live, and ever-more are saying no to the powers of greed and destruction.
Celebrating that sweetness, I also celebrate all of you who were somehow drawn to support this dream, that we can ally ourselves with the others of this planet. We’ve passed the goal. Because of you, now I become paid staff of Mountains and Waters Alliance, and this work will have my first and best, most creative, completely joyful engagement.
2024 has a vigorous schedule of teaching, talks, retreats, and events, shown here.
Here is my gift for you today:
Loving-Kindness Meditation
May you be happy.
May you be joyous and live in safety.
May you be well in body and mind.
May you have enough food, clean water, fresh air to breathe.
May you live in loving family and warm community.
May you know the work of your life,
and may you do that work with others and with joy.
Whatever you plant, in the soil or in life, may you see it sprout, flower, and fruit.
May you love yourself just as you are,
allow the world to grow you to fullness,
and know the deep embrace of the sacred.
Love to all
Shodo Spring for Mountains and Waters Alliance