By: Shodo
Comments: 5
About two days ago, a shooting war began between Russia and Ukraine. Everyone knows who is right and wrong, except me. People have sent essays and speeches, and I can add a few bits of information or links. Here is just one source of many: a talk by Vladimir Pozner. There are some common themes in these alternative voices: that Western powers promised that NATO wouldn’t expand eastward, and then it did; that Putin once wanted to join NATO and was turned down. I do not support Putin or the invasion, but the media has gotten into that cheerleading mode that I cannot join.
War is never good. Claims of innocence are always suspect, though innocence does exist in the world. What to do? Praying for peace is always a good thing; meditating for justice is also safe. That’s all I’m going to say. You’re invited to add a comment with your favorite information source.
Meanwhile, life goes on here, far from the war. It’s a little disconcerting, being aware that all our lives are in the balance and not quite sure what to do. But really, not so different from dealing with global warming, or violent racism, or most things: what can we do? Joanna Macy describes three kinds of action: holding actions, building the new future, and spiritual work. I’m mostly involved in the latter two, living in a present and working for a future spiritually based and connected with all of life.
It would be great if people who are doing things add a link or a short comment – especially about these very immediate events including the Ukraine-Russia conflict.
A local reporter came to do a story, and did this beautiful and wise description of what we’re doing here:
Local group uses Buddhist practices to to seek understanding
There seems to be a paywall. They told me people could generally access the article once or twice before the paywall came up, but some people are having difficulty. I am trying to arrange access.
In response to this welcome, I will offer some introductory afternoons later this year, summer or fall.
Spring 2022 Events:
We expect to have construction in April, dates unknown, and there will be a chance for volunteers to help – especially with moving furniture, possibly with painting and other work.
Last, I want to leave you with this poem by Wendell Berry. It’s from 1977; I can’t say it’s still true 45 years later. I still offer it.
Sending blessings to you. Inviting you to pray for peace, love, and joy, for justice and freedom. Inviting you to stop by the nearest old tree, or meadow, or creek, to greet them warmly, bring an offering of any kind (a song? A cookie?) and speak to them the same prayers, share with them, consider them as friends and allies.
I continue to try to get clear about Ukraine. Currently am following historian Timothy Snyder – you can search his name and find a lot of information. There’s also an essay in Counterpunch attempting to criticize all the misleading narratives (Left and Right and more) about this invasion, which I think is worth reading.
I don’t know either, Shodo, but I have not so far managed to articulate that anywhere nearly as clearly as you. Thanks so much for the wonderful post. And thanks also for the link to Vladimir Pozner. This should be required watching before anyone expresses an opinion about the Ukraine. Very thought provoking indeed.
Dear Gareth,
Thank you. I was panicking about offering something too biased. I learn new things several times a day. Maybe I actually managed to stay in the middle way.
Refreshing take on the war, something I’ve been looking for on the zen interwebs tbh. Can I copy and paste the first two paragraphs (w/proper attribution & link!) in our Galway Zen Dojo WhatsApp? It’s not the New York Times ( or even the Irish Times!) but it will get out to a handful of interested zen friends here in the west of Ireland? We’re a small sangha in the AZI orbit, students of a student of Taisen Deshimaru. Personally, I get info from all over: many commie sources, as that’s my background, and many radical christian ones, as that’s my present. For one, I’d recommend Chris Hedges, who is always rational and even-handed and on the side of the gods, and was the main source for this from the Los Angeles Catholic Worker site
Thanks, Shodo, for all you do. Gassho from half a world away.
Dear Paidi,
How lovely to hear from you around the world. I was just feeling shy about posting that and not something more balanced. Yes, I read Hedges and people keep saying things, I’m reading too much. My Facebook page has a few more things. (Hedges is depressed or depressing, even while I agree he’s on the side of the gods.)
You’re welcome to share quietly. I would be careful how far to share, because I’d rather have a more thoughtful essay. But your small sangha, sure.
I think of Ireland as a place of freedom.
Gassho to you as well.