Journal, - Apr 05, 2018
Journal 2018-04-05 – the very source of the universe
Journal 2018-04-05
This morning, chanting the Dai Hi Shin Dharani, I brought my mind back from wandering to give full attention to what I was doing. Making sounds that are meant to produce magical effects, which translate to words praising Avalokiteshvara, the great being of compassion.
Suddenly it became real. With full attention, it became clear that my chanting was addressing the very source of the universe, the locus of all causes and conditions. Suddenly I was certain that there is nothing else I need to do. I can’t tell you what that means, I need to find out.
Happening now in climate change:
Land care, agriculture, sentient earth, and the like.
Here are some groups – and approaches – that I think are effective.
- Community Rights organizing – the explanation is right there on the website. http://communityrights.us/
- Indigenous environmental action – Standing Rock, Honor the Earth, and others. Complicated because the communities are so challenged, but the vision of a whole culture, spirituality included, defending itself against colonization and genocide – it’s inspiring. I think Standing Rock changed the nation. (My European ancestors were colonized 1000 years before the North American peoples; we’ve forgotten too much about how to live.)
- Climate Disobedience Center has my respect. Tim deChristopher is the most famous of them. They actually do material things to interrupt environmental destruction – like turning valves on pipelines. Mostly, I think they’re committed and serious; I respect them greatly. http://www.climatedisobedience.org/
- Science and Environmental Health Network, and Women’s Congress for Future Generations – I’m watching them closely and participating a little. http://sehn.org/
- Our Children’s Trust – suing the government on behalf of their own future. https://www.ourchildrenstrust.org/
- And of course this work, Mountains and Waters Alliance. Change culture, change consciousness, AND work together with the other conscious beings of the planet.
Those are all environmental groups. I’ve chosen to focus on climate change even though I don’t ignore the rest. I always choose to work with the cause.
How to Live (including anthropology, archaeology, fiction, and whatnot)
Ancient communities combined farming with wild food gathering https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/lets-go-wild-how-ancient-communities-resisted-new-farming-practices
David Abram – Alliance for Wild Ethics
- “Against the Grain – A deep History of the Earliest States”
- Sarahasia – Attempts to explain the origins of human violence. I was not pleased with their assumption that we all share the opinion that Muslims are particularly violent. Still interested.
- Leonard Schlain – The Alphabet Versus the Goddess – neuroscientist looks at how writing contributes to human violence, including historical coincidences and discussion of brain function.
- ‘Hills, Valleys, and States: An Introduction to Zomia’ – James C. Scott – with an excerpt here: https://www.facebook.com/decivilized/photos/a.689511507806772.1073741830.413697738721485/1594985267259387/?type=3&theater&ifg=1
- http://peakmoment.tv/: Locally Reliant Living for Challenging Times:
- A half-hour online TV series exploring things people are actually doing for more resilient communities.
- https://www.facebook.com/decivilized/photos/a.689511507806772.1073741830.413697738721485/1594985267259387/?type=3&theater&ifg=1
- https://www.facebook.com/decivilized/photos/a.689511507806772.1073741830.413697738721485/1594985267259387/?type=3&theater&ifg=1
- https://www.facebook.com/decivilized/photos/a.689511507806772.1073741830.413697738721485/1594985267259387/?type=3&theater&ifg=1