By: Shodo
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In starting Mountains and Waters Alliance, I looked for a way for ordinary humans to enter the magical, liminal quality of relationship with the other beings. I assert that the other beings are conscious. In that, I join with millennia of humans who, in a variety of languages, have lived with the trees spirits and earth gnomes, talked with them, and worked together with them.
This talk from January addresses this; it’s my first spoken attempt to address this way, and I find it a good beginning. The first 40 minutes are the talk itself.
The next talks from others go deeply, each in a different direction, that add much to what I say.
This hour-long talk spins out the nature of the problem – how we live, too many of us, and the mindset – “We don’t need nature” – “We create our own habitat” – and other nonsense that brings us to this miserable state. Even though the talk is about the situation and not about solutions, the first step is to really understand the problem, and it’s good on that.
He speaks and writes about failure, about the cracks in reality, and about monsters. He takes us to a different place; it can be hard. Can we allow the earth to shift under our feet? Bayo invites us to a profound welcome of the movement of Life.
We’re in a time of creativity and new growth; I imagine offering a long list of resources, but it’s an overwhelming thought. So I offer these two plus my own.
There are a few events coming up at the farm; I’ll post them separately.
Love to you all,
for Mountains and Waters Alliance