Farm, MWA Newsletter, Zen, - Jan 03, 2023
Mountains and Waters Alliance, January 2, 2023
Entering 2023: waxing moon first quarter, daylight growing, snow paused
I greet you from the land of cold and snow, entering the next winter storm, knowing that the erratic weather is from climate change. Imagining Mother Earth shaking us off, freeing herself – and dreaming that we can still make peace, become friends, live in the hands of the gods again, in the hands of all beings.
I asked for a poem for the time, and here is what came.
Eight years here now,
listening to the birds,
asking the trees and hills and sometimes feeling their reply,
just barely beginning to know my welcome,
to take my place.
The next step is to ask for help.
Oh yes, I’ve asked –
for the earth, for this land itself,
for water protectors at Line Three
and land protectors at Thacker Pass,
wherever my attention landed.
But now,
learning so slowly,
I will ask for myself.
For health, and rest, and human community.
It seems as if she’s moved in spite of me,
calling people here, helping with work and softening my heart.
I forgive myself for being so slow.
After writing, I went down to the altar at the creek, and asked for my health to improve. I could feel an answer. Still a mystery.
The river has two names, Dakota and English. Inyan Bosndata (Standing Rock River) and Cannon River (from the French for canoes).
The creeks have no names. People ask their names. But I honor their wildness and their changing, and don’t want to burden them with a fixed name. The state DNR calls them “intermittent streams,” which seems to acknowledge their wildness.
Perhaps some day they will tell me their names; until then I leave them to themselves.
There are now three residents, with space for one more now, probably an additional space this fall. Pleae write if you’re interested in joining us.
One of us will be focusing on the land; we expect more activities, more workdays. Watch here for announcements.
The Facebook page for Mountains and Waters Alliance is now closed, and will be shut down. There are two ways to stay connected. You can subscribe to the blog at the website, and receive emails. Or you can follow my personal Facebook page (Shodo Spring), where the blogs are always posted.
Some online events, old and new:
- The Wednesday night Zen group becomes a class, beginning January 4; you can still register.
- Monday morning zazen continues online.
- The Gift of Fearlessness has moved to 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month, discussing current events.
- I’m giving a dharma talk at Hokyoji on January 22.
- On January 21, 2-4 Central Time, I’ll be attending “Climate Change as Spiritual Teacher” a council led by Adyashanti, a well-known spiritual teacher whom I respect a great deal. No cost; here’s a link.
Local events:
- Talking circle, Sunday January 22, 4 pm with potluck at 6. You probably know talking circle by now: deep listening, opening to wisdom, clarifying intention. “What is mine to do?” could be our guiding question for this meeting. If we choose, then, we may meet again, monthly or as we are guided. Location at the farm; in-person only. (There could be support and encouragement to do the same in your own place.) Please register by email.
Retreats and Farm events:
If there are additions, we’ll announce them here.
- February 11, morning: Intro to Zen, 2-hour workshop
- February 11-12, either a land care retreat or a simple work day, tapping trees for sap for maple syrup.
- February 17-19: sesshin – silent meditation retreat.
- March 11: work day including processing maple syrup and other seasonal activities.
- late March: closed for a personal walking retreat
- April 14-16: land care: Meditation plus dharma talks and conversation, plus work with the land, probably involving fire – biochar, and/or burning fields to make prairie or to calm invasive plants.
- May will be closed, no weekend events.
- June 10: maybe a workday, focused on gardening
- July to December: to be announced.
OK, but this time I got a copy of it, and that is even better.