By: Shodo
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“To start repairing the world, and ourselves” writes Dan Harris about this book by Ayo Yetunde. theologian, spiritual counselor, and activist. In this spirit, we begin a fall study group with Casting Indra’s Net, exploring our lives in relation to Yetunde’s offering. The ongoing study group is welcoming new member at this time. More information is at this link. You can register by email. No fee, but donations are welcome.
Here are a few other upcoming events:
August 12, community day at the farm, from afternoon through evening, concluding with meteor showers and moonrise. Click for information. Registration encouraged.
Every Monday morning, online zazen (sitting meditation), 6 am Central Time. Registration encouraged.
These events are coming, but do not yet have registration access yet.
September 21, in Northfield MN: We’ll be at the International Day of Peace, 5-7 pm, participating in a community event.
October, date TBD, weekend sesshin (meditation retreat) in Duluth, MN.
November 5, dharma talk at Northfield Buddhist Meditation Center – online and in person.
December 1-8, Rohatsu sesshin – 7 days of sitting meditation, at the farm. Partial participation welcome.