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April 1, 2021 - June 30, 2021
Sanshin Zen Community, or online
16922 Cabot Avenue
United States
Spring Work/Practice Period
We’re offering an opportunity for a small group of people to practice together here, for a few weeks to three months, beginning as we move into spring. In addition to residential practice, day volunteers are welcome as long as we can do it safely.
This is lighter than the classic Zen practice period with four hours of zazen and many hours of silence every day. We will sit together every morning and some evenings, have study groups twice a week, and work together; the land offers itself as teacher, as does the human community. There will be group meetings for taking care of our shared life here. If you’re here during June sesshin or April land care retreats, those offer more intensive practice times.
This is planned to be safe during the pandemic. When you arrive you will probably have a two-week quarantine, spent in your room or outdoors, unless you’re vaccinated. You may use this time for sitting, study, or wandering, adding work projects as you become familiar with the space and routine. There is space in the house for three; as the weather warms we might add campers. If the pandemic gets more dangerous we will close to new guests; we’re guessing it won’t be necessary.
Here are the planned work projects, 6-8 hours most days with some days off:
- Garden preparation and planting, and care of the wild land – throughout spring as time allows
- Construction – opening up the house for more space, more sun, and an extra bedroom – first step toward a solar greenhouse – as soon as weather allows. We have an expert lead carpenter; he’s willing to work with volunteers.
- Of course we always need cooks, one or several sharing.
For people coming for a residence of two weeks or more, we’re asking a $50 deposit, which is less than expenses but will help support our costs during the quarantine. That can be refunded after a month. If that’s prohibitive and you’re sure you will come, talk to us.
Please fill out the registration form, and use notes to say both your arrival and departure plans, special needs, and skills. If you’re interested in becoming a long-term resident, please contact me. And absolutely read the Visitor Information page to help you decide whether you’re ready to come.